In the
years following Edgar Rice Burroughs' death in 1950 it became increasingly
difficult to find his books. All but a few Tarzan novels went out of print,
forcing eager readers to hunt through used book stores for buried treasure.
Even with such a scarcity, Burroughs still attracted new readers. After
the glory days of the 1960s and 1970s, when virtually everything Burroughs
wrote was made available, his books started disappearing again. Many titles
are once more out of print. While older readers hunt through used book
stores for elusive titles, new readers still somehow manage to find Burroughs.
And when two Burroughs readers meet -- then as now -- the reaction is usually
something like: "I thought I was the only one!"
Through the Internet many readers
are discovering that they aren't alone in their love of the works of Edgar
Rice Burroughs. Chat rooms, Web sites, electronic mailing lists -- there
are many ways ERB fans can gather to share in their common interest. And
the Internet is now the means by which we can introduce a new generation
to one of the most durable of fan productions: the fanzine.
There have been thousands of fanzines
produced over the years, some of them written up on old typewriters and
run through a copying machine, others elaborately produced and professionally
printed. In either case such fanzines are put together by those who love
their subject and want to share their opinions with others. The Burroughs
Bulletin has been around since 1947, one of the most durable of the fanzines.
Those who write, illustrate and edit for the Bulletin do so because they
love the stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs. No doubt you do as well, else
you wouldn't be visiting our Web site. You're not the only one! Read an
article or two, drop us a line, check out the print version of The Burroughs
Bulletin, come to a Dum-Dum -- give into the magic of Edgar Rice Burroughs!
" (Tarzan) was just a character that
happened to catch the public's fancy; interest in him grew until it astonished
me. As a boy I love the story of Romulus and Remus, who founded Rome, and
I love, too, the boy Mowgli in Kipling's "Jungle Books." I suppose Tarzan
was the result of those early loves. Perhaps the fact that I lived in Chicago
and yet hated cities and crowds of people made me sense, my escape from
unpleasant reality. Perhaps that is the reason for his success with modern
readers. Maybe he takes them, too, away from humdrum reality. Mrs. Burroughs
calls me a low-brow. I guess I am, but then so are the most of us, aren't
we? Perhaps that is another reason why Tarzan appeals to the mass of people
rather than to a select few. " |