Binti Balu and Summer Sales
An Associated Press brief concerning new gorilla baby for Binti is printed
below, along with a copy of the BB plaque designed by Bob Cook of Atlantic
Beach, Florida. The zoo returned the plaque to us because they didn’t wish
to show favoritism to one of their inmates.
There is belated news from last year’s Dum-Dum in Colorado. Lydie Denier
accepted money for taped copies of her Tarzan-TV series, and then returned
to France. The original list has been lost, but the tapes have been found,
so if you paid for a DVD or VHS version of these TV shows, send us your
name and address and get your tapes delivered from Jerry O’Hara, Danton
Burroughs' agent.
He is also handling sales of the new Tarzan Yell dolls seen pictured
in this issue. You can order the doll for $49.95 plus $6.95 for shipping
& handling by calling Jerry O'Hara at (909) 875-3296. (They are also
available for purchase through eBay.)
In other news:
Mark Hime of Biblioctopus is selling 22 first edition Tarzan books signed
by ERB for the princely sum of $260,000. You can catch his website which
describes these books in detail at
Disney is releasing a "prequel" to their animated Tarzan film this month.
There's likely nothing of Burroughs in the storyline, but the kids will
no doubt love it!
Finally, below is an ad for the new packaging of the 1932 Tarzan radio
shows. Our own Robert R. Barrett served as consultant for the project.
... "Ye Editor"