All-Text Version
Also See
McWhorter's BB Index
Illustrated BB Bibliography
The Bibliophiles got their start in 1947 when Vern Coriell,
a traveling circus performer, founded The Burroughs Bulletin. Created with
the blessing of Edgar Rice Burroughs himself, the Bulletin came to life
as a small mimeographed fanzine -- the contents of which were belted out
on an old typewriter perched on the hood of Vern’s car when he was on the
road -- that was sent free to curious Burroughs enthusiasts. One of the
curious was Vincent Starrett, the influential Chicago Tribune book critic,
and his review brought in a flood of requests from around the world. By
1960 the readership had grown to such an extent that Vern and other fans,
at the World Science Fiction Convention in Pittsburgh that year, decided
to create an organized literary society, the Burroughs Bibliophiles; the
Bulletin became the group’s official organ. The mission of the Bibliophiles,
then as now, is to promote an understanding and appreciation of the great
American author Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Both the Bibliophiles and the Bulletin foundered in 1987
with Vern's death, but were revived by George McWhorter in 1990. As curator
of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Collection at the University of Louisville,
McWhorter was ideally suited to helm the reborn Bulletin. What started
out as a simple mimeographed fanzine has become a glossy, professionally
produced quarterly journal. Thanks to McWhorter’s efforts Edgar Rice Burroughs
has received a level of exposure and critical recognition not seen for
decades. The Bibliophiles membership continues to grow, indicating that
the organization’s namesake will continue to be one of the world’s most
popular authors well into the twenty-first century.
Burroughs Bulletin #1 : New series.
Date : January 1990.
Page count : 48 pages.
Topic : A Princess of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
A tribute to our founder, Vern Coriell : George T. McWhorter
Coriell's final Dum-Dum : Sam Moskowitz
The Tarzan Sunday Strip : Ken Webber
(an interview with Don Kraar and Gray Morrow).
A letter from Lupoff : Richard A. Lupoff
A page from the diary of Carson Napier
Marcia of the Doorstep : Henry H. Heins
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
A frank look at fandom : Chand Kabi
Dum-Dum 1990
Barsoomian Bazaar
Burroughs Bulletin #2 : New
Date : April 1990
Page count : 36 pages
Topic : The Outlaw of Torn
Contents :
Editor's preface
David B. Mattingly: Visions of Pellucidar : Robert R.
Jock Mahoney: A Remembrance : Jack Iverson
The day I stepped on Jocko's lines : Harry Habblitz
Writing about Tarzan : Erling B. Holtsmark
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Monkey Shines : Tippo Tib
The Prez Sez : Bob Hyde
Letters to the editor
Dum-Dum 1990
Barsoomian Bazaar
Burroughs Bulletin #3 : New
Date : July 1990
Page count : 52 pages
Topic : Tarzan of the Apes
Contents :
Editor's preface
McClurg Speaks : Alan M. Freedman
Who's who at the Tarzana convention 1989
Fred J. Arting and Tarzan of the Apes : Kevin Toelle
In the shadow of the sun : Robert R. Barrett
Tarzan of the Apes becomes a motion picture : Lord Passmore
of Ghenzi
The story of Tarzan : Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan and the lending libraries : Bobbie M. Rucker
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Dum-Dum 1990
Barsoomian Bazaar
Burroughs Bulletin #4 : New
Date : October 1990
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Gods of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
Frank E. Schoonover: The man who saw Barsoom : Robert
R. Barrett
McClurg royalty payments to ERB : Alan Freedman
"To whoever gives a damn" (Pearl Harbor attack) : Edgar
Rice Burroughs
What are the most popular Burroughs stories? : Robert
Picture gallery : Buster Crabbe and Herman Brix
A chrono-log of ERB's Tarzan stories by Alan Hanson :
Bill Waters
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Dum-Dum 1990
Burroughs Bulletin #5 : New
Date : January 1991
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Return of Tarzan
Contents :
Editor's preface
N.C. Wyeth (1882-1945) : George T. McWhorter
St. John: Artist, teacher, friend : George T. Turner
Barclay Shaw: Tarzan artist of the 1990's : Robert R.
Return of Tarzan becomes a motion picture : Lord Passmore
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
What is a Normal Bean? A manifesto? : Thomas D. Willshire
Letters to the editor
The Return of Tarzan : Tom Yeates
Burroughs Bulletin #6 : New
Date : April 1991
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : At the Earth's Core
Contents :
Editor's preface
Edgar Rice Burroughs: A national treasure : Burne Hogarth
William Stout: Burroughs artist at heart : Robert R.
Picture gallery : Wolf Larson
I wish I may, I wish I might : Patrick M. Promo
At the Earth's Core : Frank Frazetta
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
At the Earth's Core becomes a movie : Camille Cazedessus
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #7 : New
Date : July 1991
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Cave Girl
Contents :
Editor's preface
Brushes of imagination: The story of C.E. Monroe Jr.
: Robert R. Barrett
ERB letters concerning the first edition of Tarzan of
the Apes
Interview with Tarzan artist Tom Yeates : Ken Webber
Letter from Henning Kure
Picture gallery : William Stout
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Dum-Dum 1991
Picture gallery : Frank Merrill
Burroughs Bulletin #8 : New
Date : October 1991
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Monster Men
Contents :
Editor's preface
The story of an All-Story artist: P.J. Monahan : Roger
Hulbert Burroughs remembered : Irwin Porges, Joe Clopton
and Bob Hyde
Burroughs and Argosy all-Story : Sam Moskowitz
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Picture gallery : Monster Men artists: St. John; Frazetta;
Hisai; Fino; Wrightson; Stout
Profiles: Dr J. Autry
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #9 : New
Date : January 1992
Page count : 52 pages
Topic : The Warlord of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
Richard Hescox: Penetrating the cloud cover : Robert
R. Barrett
Tarzan: Projects past and future : Dr. Erling B. Holtsmark
Picture gallery : Images of Barsoom artists: Crandell;
Frazetta; Kane; Kremkel; Manning; Pardee; St. John; Stout; Whelen; Williamson
Burroughs, Kline and Knibbs: Another opinion : Robert
R. Barrett
Burroughs, Kline and Knibbs: A reply : Sam Moskowitz
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #10 :
New series
Date : April 1992
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Mucker
Contents :
Editor's preface
Whatever it is it gets you and me : Philip R. Burger
Edgar Rice Burroughs and the development of science fiction
: Frederick Pohl
Picture gallery : Return of the Mucker : Frank Frazetta
Fortunino Matania R.I.: The last Victorian : Robert R.
Interview with Franco matania : Frank Westwood
Profiles : Moncure G. Crowder
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Dum-Dum 1992
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #11 :
New series
Date : July 1992
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Mad King
Contents :
Edotor's preface
To Bora-Bora and back again: The story of Armstrong W.
Sperry : Robert R. Barrett
On location at the Arboretum : Jerry L.. Schneider
Picture gallery : Gordon Scott and Vera Miles
Larry Schwinger: Ballantine cover artist
Martian memories : Charles I. Coombs
Edgar & Otis & Sam & Bob: Consider the possibilities
: Richard A. Lupoff
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association :
Alan Hanson O.E.
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #12 :
New series
Date : October 1992
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Eternal Lover
Contents :
Editor's preface
Knocking about the Neocene : Philip R. Burger
On location at the Arboretum: Part 2 : Jerry L. Schneider
The Indian is not an Apache!: Paul Stahr (1883-1953)
: Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : Sweetheart Primeval : Dorothy Dulin
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
The 10th annual ECOF gathering : Bill Ross
Roving photographer : The 1992 Dum-Dum
The Coriell years of Burroughs fandom : Rita Coriell
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #13 :
New Series
Date : January 1993
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Beasts of Tarzan
Contents :
Editor's preface
Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Maxwell Perkins syndrome
: Richard A. Lupoff
Tarzan's third great comic strip artist: Russ Manning
: Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : J. Allen St. John
Where have all the fans gone? Duane Spurlock
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #14 :
New series
Date : April 1993
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Lad and the Lion
Contents :
Editor's preface
The Lad and the Lion in films 1917 and 1937 : General
Count Sarnya
Forty acres: A history of the RKO films : Joseph Musso
Picture gallery : The Lad and the Lion : William Stout
Johnny Weissmuller: The two career star : David Fury
The Burroughs pre-pubs : Mitchell Harrison
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Two sequels to Greystoke : Elaine Casella
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #15 :
New series
Date : July 1993
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Girl from Farris's
Contents :
Editors preface
Maureen O'Sullivan: A jewel of a Jane : David Fury
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Blue Book : Sam Moskowitz
Picture gallery : The Girl from Farris's : William Stout
Animal fashion plates: Charles Livingston Bull (1874-1932)
: Robert R. Barrett
Tarzan: The Marvel way : An interview with John Buscema
: Tom Roberts
The Prez sez: ERB, You should have been there : Bob Hyde
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #16 :
New series
Date : October : 1993
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Thuvia, Maid of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
Mesas, Mormons and Martians : Philip R. Burger
Glenn Morris: Tarzan Number Eight : Mike Chapman
Edgar Rice Burroughs to Zane Grey: Sticton Mulford (1886-?)
: Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : Thuvia : J. Allen st. John
On Mahars, gryfs and the paleontology of ERB : Philip
J. Currie
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Thuvia's secret : Rockne Green
Hail and farewell Pellucidar : An interview with Alan
Gross : Duane Spurlock
Letters to the editor
Picture gallery : Maureen O'Sullivan
Thuvia : William Stout
Burroughs Bulletin #17 :
New series
Date : January 1994
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Pellucidar
Contents :
Editor's preface
The hollow Earth : George T. McWhorter
Dinosaurs of Pellucidar : Philip J. Currie
Burroughs in Argentina : Fernando Garcia and Hernan Ostuni
Picture gallery : Pellucidar : Thomas Yeates
ERB and the educated man : Alan Hanson
Interview with the Tarzan man, Mr Denny Miller : David
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
The Bronze Age revival : Scott Tracy Griffin
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #18 :
New series
Date : April 1994
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Son of Tarzan
Contents :
Editor's preface
The Son of Tarzan: The movie : Vernell Coriell
Of Burroughs and businessmen : Philip R. Burger
How the Gaonas flew with Tarzan in the comics : Harry
L. Graham
Picture gallery : The Son of Tarzan : Frank Frazetta
Tarzan, King of the Pampa : Fernando Garcia and Hernan
Fire! : A report on the fire at ERB Inc 1958 : George
T. McWhorter
The feral child : Stan Galloway
Historiated initials in The Son of Tarzan : George T.
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #19 :
New series
Date : July 1994
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Man-Eater
Contents :
Editor's preface
Thoughts on The Man-Eater : Ward Orndoff
Tarzan in Czechoslovakia : Vladimir Tucapskey and George
T. McWhorter
An open letter : Don Kraar
Picture gallery : Tarzan the Untamed : Milan Fibiger
Sweetser and the Burroughs boys : Philip R. Burger
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #20 :
New series
Date : October 1994
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Beyond Thirty
Contents :
Editor's preface
On location at the Iverson Movie Ranch : Jerry L. Schneider
Burroughs returns to Argosy : Sam Moskowitz
Picture gallery : Tarzan the Untamed : Joe Jusko
Reed Crandell: Illustrator of super heroes : James Van
Realism in the Tarzan novels : Robert Hoffman
Why do we need Tarzan? : Scott Tracy Griffin
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #21 :
New series.
Date : January 1995
Page count : 40 pages.
Topic : Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
Contents :
Editor's preface
Hugo gernsback and Edgar Rice Burroughs : Sam Moskowitz
Carnivore or, Lord Greystoke cooked and raw : David A.
Picture gallery : The two La's of silent film
Tarz and the Apes : Roy Thomas
Burroughs spotlight on Rudy Sigmund : David Fury
Interview with Dark Horse President, Mike Richardson
: Ken Webber
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #22 :
New series
Date : April 1995
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : H.R.H. The Rider
Contents :
Editor's preface
Joe Jusko's Edgar Rice Burroughs collection : Robert
R. Barrett
Tarzan in the Dell …and Gold Key: A portrait of Gaylord
Dubois : Irvin H. Ziemann
Whatever happened to Perry Rhodan : Philip R. Burger
Picture gallery : The Oakdale Affair & The Rider
: ERB and son Hully
Woody Strode: An epic life remembered : Scott Tracy Griffin
Apeman, Arabian, Ancient alien: Gene Roddenberry's Tarzan
script : Elaine Casella
Profile : William Plummer Hicks
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #23 :
New series
Date : July 1995
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Jungle Tales of Tarzan
Contents :
Editor's preface
Jungle Tales of Tarzan: A closer look : James Van Hise
Jungle Tales of Tarzan : David A. Adams
Picture gallery : Jungle Tales of Tarzan : William Stout
A lion is still a lion : Elaine Casella
Tarzan: the Least Adventure : Kevin Toelle
Joe Jusko: An interview : Will C. Hagenlocher
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #24 :
New series
Date : October 1995
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Oakdale Affair
Contents :
Editor's preface
A study of The Oakdale Affair : David A. Adams
ERB's Ur: A speculation : Robert R. Barrett
ERB and the educated man: A reply : Phillip R. Burger
Picture gallery : Tarzan and Jad-Bal-Ja : David Hoover
ERB is alive and well on the information super highway
: Bob Zeuschner
Tarzan still lives at Mclaughlin, S.D. : George Alonso
The 1995 ECOF gathering : Bill Ross
We meet Jane! : Richard Mason
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #25 :
New series
Date : January 1996
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The L and That Time Forgot
Contents :
Editor's preface
The Land That Time Forgot : Phillip R. Burger
Porges page: ERB's map of Caprona
Dinosaurs in The Land That Time Forgot : Philip J.Ccurrie
Caspakian love/death triangle : David Adams
Picture gallery : William Stout
Frank J. Hoban : Robert R. Barrett
Tarzan and the Lost Adventure : Bob Zeuschner
The Lord of the jungle meets Abbie an' Slats : Stephen
L. Harris
Letters to the editor
Picture gallery : The Land That Time Forgot : Doug McClure
and Susan Penhaligon
Burroughs Bulletin #26 :
New series
Date : Spring 1996
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan the Untamed
Contents :
Editor's preface
Keys to Tarzan the Untamed : David A. Adams
Olympic love affair : Stephen L. Harris
Picture gallery : Thomas Yeates
The incomparable Hogarth : J.C. Iverson
Burne Hogarth interview : John Szuch
Three days in pellucidar : Phil Petras
The toy scene : Harry Thiel
Tarzan the Epic Adventures: New action figures : Harold
R. Peters
Interview with Bret blevins : Ken Webber
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #27 :
New series
Date : Summer 1996
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Moon Maid
Contents :
Editor's preface
The Moon triliogy : Richard A. Lupoff
Danton Burroughs and the family legacy : James Van Hise
Picture gallery : Paul Powers
Phil Currie on old bones and ERB : George T. McWhorter
Elucidating Pellucidar : Applewhite Minyard
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #28 :
New series
Date : Fall 1996
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Efficiency Expert
Contents :
Editor's preface
An interview with Edward Gilbert : Bob Zeuschner
The Efficiency Expert: A synopsis : Flemen Chapman
Picture gallery : Martian fantasy : Tim Burgard
Tarzan in La-La land: Dum-Dum 1996 : Phil Burger
From NFL to Tarzan: a profile of Chuck Ben : Robert R.
Profiles : Bob Warner
Tarzan the censored : Jerry L. Schneider
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #29 :
New series
Date : Winter 1997
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan the Terrible
Contents :
Editor's preface
The wonderland of Pal-ul-don : David A. Adams
In search of Pal-ul-don : Paul Edwin Zimmer
Guns of Pal-ul-don : Joe Ferrier
Picture gallery : Tarzan : Frank Cho
Tarzan the Epic Adventures : Phillip R. Burger
Of beefcake and Burroughs : Heather H. Burger
The Holy Grail: a personal odyssey : Robert R. Barrett
Two new offerings from McFarland : J.G. Huckenpohler
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #30 :
New series
Date : Spring 1997
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Chessmen of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
The labyrinthian muse: ERB and The Chessmen of Mars :
David A. Adams
Chess variations: Jetan : John Gollon
Barsoomian at large : James Killian Spratt
Another look at the boss of Barsoom : Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : Xavier DeClie
Mike Resnick: From fan to frontrunner : Stan Galloway
The uplifting of benighted Europe: Beyond Thirty : Phillip
R. Burger
The flight of the Vanator : Flemen Chapman
In memoriam: Bill Gilmour : Frank Puncer
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #31 :
New series
Date : Summer 1997
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Girl From Hollywood
Contents :
Editor's preface
Reflections on The Girl From Hollywood : George T. McWhorter
The Girl From Hollywood: A bibliographic study : Bill
Biography of Robert W. fenton : Marie Fenton Griffing
John Cremony's Life Among the Apaches : Phillip R. Burger
Picture gallery : John Carter Tibbetts - ERB sketch
You Lucky Girl: The play by ERB : Robert B. Zeuschner
Four reviews of Sarkis Atamians The Origin of Tarzan
: J.G. Huckenpohler; Henry H. Heins; Robert R. Barrett; Philip Jose Farmer
The London-Greystoke convention : Frank Westwood
The London-Greystoke convention : Bob Hyde
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #32 :
New series
Date : Fall 1997
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan and the Golden Lion
Contents :
Editor's preface
A crowning achievement: Tarzan and the Golden Lion :
David A. Adams
Theories come and theories go : Phillip R. Burger
Tarzan the ultimate woodsman : Jed Fox
Picture gallery : Tarzan and the Golden Lion : Boris
Tarzan's missing Cheetah : Robert G. Van Gelder
An interview with Tom Yeates : Dennis Wilcutt
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #33 :
New Series
Date : Winter 1998
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Beware!
Contents :
Editor's preface
Beware! : Edgar Rice Burroughs
Photo : Edgar Rice Burroughs
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #34 :
New series
Date : Spring 1998
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Bandit of Hell's Bend
Contents :
Editor's preface
Burroughs' Bull: The quintessential cowboy : Robert L.
Texas Pete's song : Richard C. Spargur and Charles M.
On the trail of the real Moon Maid : Alan Hanson
Picture gallery : Land of Hidden Men : Michael Herring
The Disney animated Tarzan : Bob Zeuschner
How is Tarzan faring in France : Elaine Casella
Stalking the elusive triffid : Phillip R. Burger
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
News and notes
Book reviews
Letters to the editor
Sample sheets from ERB's handwritten address of 1894
Burroughs Bulletin #35 :
New series
Date : Summer 1998
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan and the Ant Men
Contents :
Editors preface
Tarzan and the Ant Men revisited : George T. McWhorter
ERB's worksheets for Tarzan and the Ant men
The tarzan series : Robert J. Rubanowice
Racialism in the fiction of Jack London and ERB : Joseph
Picture gallery : Maureen O'Sullivan
News and notes
Book reviews
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Tarzan of the comics : James Van Hise
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #36 :
New series
Date : Fall 1998
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The Master Mind of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
The real Master Mind of Mars : A.J. Kraft
Maureen O'Sullivan: Tarzan's mate : David Fury
My friend Jack : Richard A. Lupoff
Picture gallery : Master Mind of mars : Frank Frazetta
The lost version of Tarzan and the Lost City : James
Van Hise
Two guys, a girl and a Dum-Dum : Heather Burger
News and notes
Book reviews
Letters to the editor
Picture gallery : The Master Mind of Mars : Michael Whelan
Burroughs Bulletin #37 :
New series
Date : Winter 1999
Page count : 44 pages
Topic : The War Chief
Contents :
Editor's preface
The War Chief : Robert L. Hunton
E.R.Burroughs U.S.A.: A young man's search for military
glory : Phillip R. Burger
Picture gallery : Geronimo
Juh speaks : Frank Puncer
Eclipsing Kipling : F.X. Blisard
Book reviews
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #38 :
New series
Date : Spring 1999
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Tarzan Twins
Contents :
Editor's preface
The Tarzan Twins: A story for children of all ages :
David Adams
Me and the Twins : Richard A. Lupoff
Picture gallery : Mark Shultz
Zdenek Burian - painter of the primeval : Vladimir Tucapskey
J.Allen St.John: Burroughs masterpieces reproduced on
canvas : Bob Zeuschner
Tarzan Forever: An erratumaic essay : Robert R. Barrett
Book reviews
Tarzan of the comics : Benjamin Chandler
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #39 :
New series
Date : Summer 1999
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
Contents :
Editor's preface
ERB and the forgotten fairy tale : Irwin Porges
A visit to Caspak : Steve Stephenson
An interview with Mike Grell : Ken Webber
Picture gallery : Tarzan : Frank Cho
A day to remember : Laurence G. Dunn
ERB Disney exhibit : Burroughs memorial collection
Disney's Tarzan: The bibliophiles respond
Tarzan of the comics : James Van Hise
News and notes
Book reviews
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #40 :
New series
Date : Fall 1999
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Apache Devil
Contents :
Editor's preface
Entre dos mundos: The lost Apaches of the Sierra Madre
: Lynda A. Sanchez
Geronimo's eyes : Frank Puncer
On the trail of Edagr Rice Burroughs : Robert L. Hunton
Picture gallery : Apache Devil : Bob Horvath
A racial rift on the frontier: The Apache novels of ERB
: Alan Hanson
The Atlatl: A weapon of choice for Tarzan : Lynda A.
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #41 :
New series
Date : Winter 2000
Page count : 40 pages.
Topic : Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins with Jad-Bal-Ja the
Golden Lion
Contents :
Editor's preface
Thise Tarzan Twins : Darrell C. Richardson
Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins with Jad-Bal-Ja the Golden
Lion : David A. Adams
Swing vine to vine with Frank Cho : Raymond A. Cuthbert
Picture gallery : Frank Cho
Russ Mittermeier: Man of global vision : George T. McWhorter
Burroughs in Poland : Witold J. Nowakowski
About our cover artist: C. Michael Dudash
Tarzan of the comics : Benjamin Chandler
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #42 :
New series
Date : Spring 2000
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan and the Lost Empire
Contents :
Editor's preface
Fabulous tales from a papyrus scroll : David A. Adams
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Metropolitan News Service :
Robert R. Barrett
Michigan Military Academy : Mike Conran
Law and justice in the Burroughs canon : Tom Stock
Picture gallery : Rudi D. Nebres
Jungle Man! A review : Robert R. Barrett
Gil kane 1926-2000
Marcia of the Doorstep reviewed : George T. McWhorter
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #43 :
New series
Date : Summer 2000
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tanar of Pellucidar
Contents :
Editor's preface
For love of Stellara : David Adams
Four Tanar cover artists
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Metropolitan Books Part II :
Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : Frank Frazetta
Allan Gross interviewed : Ken Webber
What would Tarzan do? : Rick Miller
Sy Weintraub : Charles Edward Pogue
The Illustrated Tarzan Book No. 1 : Robert R. Barrrett
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Burroughs Bibliophiles : Annual meeting minutes
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #44 :
New series
Date : Fall 2000
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan at the Earth's Core
Contents :
Editor's preface
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Metropolitan Books Part III
: Robert R. Barrett
The nightmarish side of Edgar Rice Burroughs : Alan Hanson
Picture gallery : Tarzan at the Earth's Core : Dave Hoover
Tarzan: The success of failure : Russell Madden
Eddie Gilbert remembers ERB : Edward H. Gilbert
Tarzan of the Comics: Doug Wildey At the Earth's Core
: Thomas Yeates
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #45 :
New series
Date : Winter 2001
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : A Fighting Man of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Metropolitan Books Part IV :
Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery A Fighting Man of Mats : Frank Frazetta
The saga of Burroughs Memorial park : Harlan Ellison
On the border with Bourke : Frank Puncer
Tarzan Encounter - Paris, France : Laurence G. Dunn
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #46 :
New series
Date : Spring 2001
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Jungle Girl
Contents :
Editor's preface
Jungle Girl and the Leper King : George T. McWhorter
Leper kings, witch doctors and stricken artists : Vishwas
R. Gaitonde
Picture gallery : Rudy Nebres
Jungle girl: The serial : Jerry L. Schneider
Tarzan in Guatemala : Jeremy Geltzer
The real Moon Maid revealed : Robert R. Barrett
A visit with Maria Weissmuller : David Fury
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #47 :
New series
Date : Summer 2001
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan the Invincible
Contents :
Editor's preface
Tarzan the Invincible: The fourth journey to Opar : David
A. Adams
From Nairobi to West Africa with Tarzan : Lt. Col. Horace
S. Mazet
Picture gallery : Doug Wildey
An interview with Bruce Boxleitner : James Van Hise
Denny Miller: The great ex-ape : Tom Weaver
An interview with Max Allan Collins : George T. McWhorter
A boy's complete handbook to Tarzan of the Apes : David
A. Adams
A comparison of Burroughs first edition values : Leon
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #48 :
New series
Date : Fall 2001
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County
Contents :
Editor's preface
Plazas of the little folk : George T. McWhorter
On the lives and deaths of Queens and Kings : Vishwas
R. Gaitonde
An interview with Jeffrey Jones : Matt Huesman
Jeffrey Jones: Not dead : Matt Huesman
Picture gallery : Photos from 2001 Dum-Dum
A visit with Lee Chase : Frank Puncer
A preliminary list of Burroughs pastiches : J.G. Huckenpohler
Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder reviewed : David A.
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #49 :
New series
Date : Winter 2002
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan Triumphant
Contents :
Editor's preface
Chinnereth or Galilee : Vishwas Gaitonde
The tapestry of Tarzan Triumphant : David A. Adams
Picture gallery : Zdenek Burian
T*rz*n in apartheid South Africa : Stan Galloway
Gray Morrow 1934-2001 : Don Kraar
A 1929 interview with ERB : Bob Zeuschner
Of pigskins and gridirons : Brian Bohnett
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #50 :
New series
Date : Spring 2002
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan and the Leopard Men
Contents :
Editor's preface
The real Leopard Men of the Congo : David A. Adams
Picture gallery : Tarzan and the Leopard Men : Neal Adams
The treasure vaults of ERB's unconscious : Dugald Warbaby
The identities of of Tarzan of the Apes : Dorothy Howell
Burroughs pastiches: A bibliography : J.G. Huckenpohler
Adventures in Tarzana : Tigrina
Pandemonium (and Tarzan) now palying in Afghan theatres
: Gregg Zoroya
Tarzanova Smrt : Vladimir Tucapskey
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #51 :
New series
Date : Summer 2002
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Pirates of Venus
Contents :
Editor's preface
Edgar's medium : David A. Adams
German and Dutch Tarzan comics of the early 1960's :
Rob Donkers
What Tarzan could be - in this decade : Michael Winger
Cloudland revisited: Richard Hescox on Pirates of Venus
: Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : Gathering tarel : Ray Capella
Tarzan meets Einstein somewhere in time : Dugald Warbaby
Xats #1 : Burroughs Bibliophiles : Annual meeting minutes
Normal Bean: A case of identity : R.E. Prindle
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #52 :
New series
Date : Fall 2002
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan and the City of Gold
Contents :
Editor's preface
In pursuit of happiness : Vishwas Gaitonde
Picture gallery : Doug Wildey
The return of Lee Chase : Frank Puncer
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master of fantasy : James Van Hise
Bob Warner, Burroughs fan : Bob Warner
Tarzan and the quest for fatherhood : Applewhite Minyard
With a name like Rabba Kega : Henry H. Heins
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #53 :
New Series
Date : Winter 2003
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Pirate Blood
Contents :
Editor's preface
A roving: An analysis of Pirate Blood : David Bruce Bozarth
Blood of a pirate : Laurence G. Dunn
Picture gallery : Dorothy Dulin
Tarzan and the river Part I : Dr. Anton Polarian and
R.E. Prindle
Tarzan and the City of Gold : Alan Hanson
My Diversions : Edgar Rice Burroughs
Some notes on buying and selling ERB on the internet
: Leon Nielsen
Book reviews
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #54 :
New series
Date : Spring 2003
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Lost on Venus
Contents :
Editor's preface
Tarzan and the river Part II : Dr. Anton Polarian and
R.E. Prindle
Dell Tarzan #1 : Duane Adams
Picture gallery : William Stout
Tarzan's 90th birthday panel at the San Diego Comic-Con
Pirate Blood a first draft? Not likely! : Robert R. Barrett
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #55 :
New series
Date : Summer 2003
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan and the Lion Man
Contents :
Editors preface
Tarzan and the Lion Man : David A. Adams
Themes and variations: The Tarzan novels of ERB : R.E.
Picture gallery : Ray Dean
Playing the creator : Vishwas Gaitonde
A bibliographic mystery : Robert R. Barrett
Xats #2 : Burroughs Bibliophiles : Annual meeting minutes
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #56 :
New series
Date : Fall 2003
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Swords of Mars
Contents :
Editor's preface
Tapestries with paint and brush : Robert R. Barrett
Picture gallery : John Carter and Woola : David Burton
Friend or foe? : Laurence G. Dunn
On the threshold of greatness: The story of Samuel Cooper
Searle : Brian Bohnett
Scenes from Dum-Dum 2003
Mars in the media: A 2002 ECOF panel discussion
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #57 :
New series
Date : Winter 2004
Page count : 40 pages
Topic : Tarzan's Quest
Contents :
Editor's preface
Quest for the fountain of youth : George T. McWhorter
Tarzan's Quest : David A. Adams
Axel Mathiesen: Burroughs Danish artist : Leon Nielsen
and Jan Jorgensen
Picture gallery : Axel Mathiesen
Tarzan and the river Part III : R.E. Prindle
On teaching Tarzan : Stan Galloway
Retracing ERB's 1916 cross country journey : David Fury
Xats #3 : Burroughs Bibliophiles : Annual meeting minutes
Bibliographer's corner : Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #58:
New series
Date: Spring 2004
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: Back to the Stone Age
Editor's Preface
Stone Age Recollections:
George T. McWhorter
Picture gallery: William Stout
Illustrated by J. Allen St. John: The ERB Inc. editions:
Robert R. Barrett
Baum, Burroughs, and the Theosophy Connection:
David A. Adams
John Carter on 34th Street: Robert Carter
Who we are and what we want:
A report on the 2002 BB Questionnaire:
J.G. Huckenpohler
Bibliographer's corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor.
Burroughs Bulletin #59:
New series
Date: Summer 2004
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: Tarzan the Magnificent
Editor's preface
Some remarks on Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan the Magnificent:
David Adams
The People Behind Western's Dell and Gold Key Comic Books:
Robert R. Barrett
It Hurts Me Too: Emma and the Anima: R.E. Prindle
Picture gallery: Two views of Tarzan: Joe Kubert
It all began with Burroughs: Sean Hosley
Magic Men: Vishwas R. Gaitonde
That Famous Burroughs Scrapbook:
Darrell C. Richardson
Bibliographer's corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #60: New
Date: Fall 2004
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: The Resurrection of Jimber Jaw
Editor's preface
The Resurrection of Jimber Jaw, The cave man in American
society: David Adams
Jimber Jaw in Braille: Darrell C. Richardson
Picture gallery: Sketches from Jimber Jaw
An Interview with Edgar Rice Burroughs wherein a new
source for Tarzan of the Apes is revealed: Robert B. Zeuschner
Fort Grant: Then and now: Frank Puncer
How John Carter became Flash Gordon: Robert R. Barrett
Edgar Rice Burroughs, The early married years: Dugald
When Tarzan went to Harvard: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bibliographer's corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #61: New
Date: Winter 2005
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: Carson of Venus
Editor's preface
"Maltu Mephis" A study of Carson of Venus: George T.
Picture gallery: The Gods of Mars: G. Busch
The newspapering of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Robert R. Barrett
How I tried to resurrect Jimber Jaw for the silver screen:
Robert Panzarella
Tarzan beaten, changed, or silenced: Vladimir Tucapskey
Bibliographer's corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #62: New
Date: Spring 2005
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: Tarzan and the Forbidden City
Editor's preface
A folklorist reading of Tarzan and the Forbidden City:
David A. Adams
The anomoly of Tarzan and the Forbidden City: Robert
R. Barrett
Picture gallery: Tarzan and the Forbidden City: Boris
Alienation in Tarzan's First Love: Stan Galloway
The mystery of The Red Star of Tarzan: Paul Spencer
The French translations of Edgar Rice Burroughs 1926-1950:
Michel Decuyper
Bibliographer's corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #63: New
Date: Summer 2005
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: Synthetic Men of Mars
Editor’s preface
Cloning men and story ideas: Applewhite Minyard
Before and after. Vern Coriell’s special collection:
George T. McWhorter
Picture gallery: A Martian battle scene by Thomas Yeates
From Tarzan to Conan: Leon Nielsen
Thumbs up or down: Robert Barrett
Warner Brothers’ Tarzan TV series: Jack and Carole Bender
Bibliographer’s corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #64:
New Series
Date: Fall 2005
Page count: 40 pages
Topic: Land of Terror
Editor's Preface: George T. McWhorter
Study of Land of Terror: Questing in Mad Old Pelllucidar:
by David A. Adams ~ Illustrations
by John Coleman Burroughs
Comedy of Errors: A Refutation of ERB "Errors"
by John Harwood and H. W. Starr
Rita Coriell: In Memorium: George T. McWhorter
Tarzan illustration by Frank Cho
ERB and the Mystery Woman: Robert Barrett
My Dad the Cartoon Character: Coleman Richardson
Bibliographer’s corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #65:
New Series
Date: Winter 2006
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Tarzan and the Castaways
Editor's Preface: George T. McWhorter
Castaway Notes: George T. McWhorter
Giorgio De Gaspari, Italian Artist: Camillo Moscati
translated into English by Numeriano
Maureen O'Sullivan "No Average Jane": David Fury
ERB's A Princess of Mars Graphic Novel: Harry Roland
"Consider Yourself Kissed" ERB's WWII Letters to Caryl
Lee: Frank Puncer
Tarzan's First Love - Teeka (poem): Stan Galloway
Bibliographer’s corner: Septimus Favonius
Letters to the editor
Burroughs Bulletin #66:
New Series
Date: Spring 2006
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Tarzan and the Madman
Editor's Preface: George T. McWhorter.
Reed Crandall: Thoughs & Remembrances by Robert R.
Reed Crandall art (5) and photo (1) with Zane Grey photo
Roy Krenkel art page: "The Dum-Dum"
Madman and Baboon Boy (with clipping & illos) by
George McWhorter
A Calendar for the Worlds of ERB by Eugene K. Arnold
Burroughs with a French Twist by George McWhorter
The Tarzan Legend by George T. McWhorter
Lecture: Popular Culture Convention April
1986 extracts
Bob Hyde Tribute: Remembering Our President
List of Illustrations by Dorothy Dulin compiled by Robert
The Barsoom We'll Probably Never See by James Van Hise
Appraising Your Burroughs Collection by Leon Nielson
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius
Letters to the Editor
Burroughs Bulletin #67: New Series
Date: Summer 2006
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Escape On Venus
Editor's Preface: George T. McWhorter
Escape On Venus: ERB's Alchemy at Bay by David Arthur
Illos: covers, map, Hescox, St. John,
Takebe, Mexican
William Stout art: Two scenes from Escape On Venus
Tarzan and the Hideous Hunter: The Death of Tarzan by
Alan Hanson
Art: F. Fabbi, Yeates, St. John,
Yanagawa, Frazetta
Language in Burroughsland by Sam Cash
Art: St. John, Fibiger, Wowk
Photos: ERB's textbook doodles:
MMA dictionary, French reader,
Latin, Greek cribsheet, Greek grammar with doodles.
Denny Miller on Tarzan: 3 Broadway Tarzan stage photos
Of Burroughs . . . and Bradbury by Joan D. Bledig and
Gregory Phillips
Panel discussion: Fahrenheit
451 - May 3, 2006 Pleasant Home, Oak Park
Illos: Fahrenheit 451 &
Tarzan of the Apes covers
Bradbury painting and photo
Bibliographer’s corner: Septimus Favonius:
Illos: Frazetta Ace cover, Living
dead pulp art by St. John
Letters to the editor: Illos Neal Adams Tarzan/Bolgani
Princess of Mars IDW McKeever
comic cover
~ BB sketch by Jason Hardy
Insert: T.C. Walker art: "...what I had thought
was fruit. . .".
Burroughs Bulletin #68: New Series
Date: Fall 2006
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Llana of Gathol
Editor's Preface: George T. McWhorter
"Llana of Gathol: A Jungian Interpretation" by David
Arthur Adams
Illos: JCB interior, Motoichiro
Takebe's cover & interior,
Zdenek Netopil (2), St. John
covers & 1 interior Amazing Stories
March 41 & June 41 &
Oct, Michael Whelan's Ballantine cover.
"Numa - Lord of the Beasts" by Leon Nielsen with 4 photos
All-Story Oct 1912.
"Thark On Thoat" art by William Stout
"Munsey Heading Artists and Illustrators" by Robert R.
with illos by Cahan (2), Small
(2), Hall, Morrison (2), Finlay,
Cahan & Finlay photos
"Visions of Yesterday: Florence Gilbert's Scrapbook"
by Frank Puner with 8 photos.
"Bob Hyde's Last Dum-Dum" by Jack Daley
with JCB sketch & 4 Tarzans
"The Master of Other Worlds" by Samuel A. Peeples with
2 photos.
Correction to Issue #67: "Language in Burroughsland"
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius:
St. John "Yellow Men" &
Kirby NEL art
Letters: Charles Pogue, Pat Ford, Laurence Dunn,
Michael H. Maguire, Susan Logan
with JW Wheaties ad
& Sky Captain pic
Burroughs Bulletin #69: New Series
Date: Winter 2007
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Wizard of Venus
Editor's Preface: George T. McWhorter: 18th year
- 69th ERB story
"The Wizard of Venus Spoof" by George T. McWhorter
Illos: Krenkel (2) interiors
Canaveral edition
Richard Hescox cover - 1991
Del Rey edition
St. John's "zaldar" from Escape
On Venus
Motoichiro Takebe cover - 1971
Japanese edition
"ERB's Pulp Art Paychecks" by Robert Barrett
Sample art & checks to:
Monahan, Pettee, Stein, Mulford, Stahr
"Munsey Company Checks in the Collection of Robert Barrett"
with pulp art
"Martian Scene" art by Rick Tucker
"Remarks on Edgar Rice Burroughs' Martians" by David
A. Adams
Photos: Jung and Blake
Covers: White Goddess, Norwegian
PM 1928, Master of Adv. (Lupoff)
Art: Mathiesen, Netopil
(2), Burkhardt
"Noble Sacrifices" by Bliss Gordon with A.C. Doyle
"Ethical Justification in Tarzan" by Anna Pavlovskaya
with Conrad photo
"A Letter from ERB's Favorite Niece" Evelyn McKenzie
to Porges
Photos: Harry Burroughs, Lewis
"Evelyn Greeley Memorabilia" photo, slide, playbill,
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius with Krenkel
& Maroto cover
Letters: John Celardo, Roy Thomas, Jerry Schneider, Nils
Silvia Masgistrali, Jim Wilson,
Phil Normand, Joe Musso,
Stanley Kozaczka, Vladimar Tucapskey,
Petr Modlitba oil art of Tarzan
Burroughs Bulletin #70: New Series
Date: Spring 2007
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Savage Pellucidar
Editor's Preface: Kaor Bibliophiles from George T. McWhorter
"Romp in Merry Olde Pellucidar" - Summary/Commentary
by David A. Adams
Illos: 4 St. John interiors,
2 Frazetta covers, Mattingly cover
2 Shobo ed. 1972 Japanese illos,
Achilleos cover, 2 Larry Ivie illos,
T.G. Walker illo, Bison Books
cover, Ronald Wilber illo
"My Friend Tarzan" by Camillo "Gino" Moscati
Many Russ Manning Tarzan illos
2 photos: Gino & Manning,
Gino's art collection
"My Life with Jane Goodall and ERB"
Conversation with A. Lane Batot
by Mary Fabian - 11 small photos
A Reconstruction of The Return of Tarzan by Bobbie M.
2 Kubert illos, W.H. Allen cover
Letter to ERB from his personal physician - March 14,
Parkinson's and 3 generations of Burrough family men:
Photos: ERB, John Coleman Burroughs,
Danton Burroughs
Bibliographer's Corner by "Septimus Favonius"
Canaveral cover illo: St. John
- Frazetta sketch
Letters: Neal MacDonald, Mark Egerton (H.G. Wells Society
J.B. Post, Kevin L. Cook, Dr.
James F. Thompson, Ron de Laat,
Ronald Wilber, Morris Jacobs,
Adam W. Robinson,
Jane Tyler, Robert R. Barrett
Burroughs Bulletin #71: New Series
Date: Summer 2007
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: Beyond the Farthest Star
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction
"Farthest Star and Beyond" by Irwin Porges
5 Krenkel illos from Canaveral
Cover art from 1994 Warsaw,
Poland edition
Frazetta cover art for 1973
Ace edition
Michael Herring art for 1992
Ballantine edition
Cover art for 1996 Stella edition
- Estonia
"ERB: Activist Author vs. Wobblies" by Alan Hanson &
John Martin
IWW logo art
Owen Wister photo
"The Viriginian" book cover
Photo: Wobbly activist Joe Hill
Photo: Actor John McEnery from
"Land That Time Forgot" film
Heading art from "The Moon Men"
- Argosy February 21, 1925
Heading art: "Girl from Hollywood"
- Journal Household - Nov 1927
"Efficiency Expert" Argosy cover
- Oct 8,
"Peace and the Militia" by ERB clipping - November 16,
Tom Yeates art: Tarzan dedicated to Bob Hyde ECOF 1993
"Tarzan the Musical" European Premiere by Laurence Dunn
6 official publicity photos
3 photos by Bill and Sue-On
Hillman: www.ERBzine.com/holland
"An Interview with Eve Brent" by Sky Brower
4 publicity photos
3 photos from the Bob Hyde collection
"Cheetah Celebrates His 75th Birthday" by George McWhorter
4 photos
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius
2 Krenkel illos: Canaveral cover
and Ace title page
Letters: Studer, Puncer, 'von Horst', Yeates, Fischer,
Rookes, Barrett
Luana film poster art by Frazetta
Grattan Condon art from Blue Book, January 1942
Burroughs Bulletin #72: New Series
Date: Fall 2007
Page Count: 40 pages
Topic: John Carter of Mars
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction
"John Carter of Mars: The Completely True and Factual
Story Behind the Story"
by Robert Barrett
3 Reed Crandall illos from the
Canaveral edition
1 Richard Corben illo from the
1977 Nelson Doubleday edition
Cover Illos: D'Achille, Burroughs
(3), Takebe, Abbett, NEL, Whelan
Picture Gallery: Skeleton Men of Jupiter by St. John
- Amazing Feb 1943
"John Carter, Warlord of Mars: The Daily Strip" by Robert
4 strips and other illos by
Austin Briggs plus 1 photo
Basil Wolverton: Spacehawk 2
comics pages & White Peril illo
"An Interview with Elaine Hollingsworth (Sara Shane)"
by Sky Brower
4 photos & 1 book cover
"Maureen O'Sullivan: 'No Average Jane'" by David Fury
Review by David Adams (ERBzine
1941 reprint)
2 photos on book jacket &
1 movie still
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius
Canaveral edition Crandall cover
J. Allen St. John interior art
from Amazing
Letters: Jason Hardy, Bary W. Bryant, Dorothy Howell,
Philippe Badre, Jack D. Elliott,
Jr., Robert R. Barrett, Jack Jones
Burroughs Bulletin #73: New Series
Date: Winter 2008
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction
"Chapter Synopsis & Brief Commentary on I Am A
Barbarian" by David A. Adams
Roy G. Krenkel intended cover
art from ERB-dom #23
Roman Busts: Caligula, Germanicus,
Jeff Jones: ERB, Inc. Frontispiece
Promotional Flyer from ERB, Inc. 1967
Charles Walker sketch: Cingetorix
"Tarzan's Victory Cry" by Alan Hanson
Photo: Weissmuller giving ape
J. Allen St. John: Dum-Dum from
Tarzan the Untamed
Joe Kubert: Tarzan giving ape
cry - 1973 comic centrefold
Hal Foster: Panel from March
13, 1932
Burne Hogarth: Tarzan victory
cry from 1972
Photo: Mike Conran gives ape
cry at Dum-Dum 2007
"The Apocryphal Argentine Tarzans" by Carlos Abraham
Translated by J.G. Huckenpohler
Photo: Juan Carlos Torrendell
Two El Tesora de Chaka 1964
Spanish pastiches covers
Cover art: Tarzan en el Valle
de la Muerte
Cover art: Tarzan y el Profeta
Cover art: Thuvia La Novia de
Cover art: Tarzan del los Monos
"Timeless" poem by Kim L. Neidigh with Hogarth art
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius
Art from Japanese edition: cover
and 5 illos
Letters Section:
Dick Lupoff, Dale Hartman, Mark
Louis Baumgart, Dave Dorward
John P'g, Dave Fury,
ERB's Worksheet for I Am A Barbarian - 1 page
Burroughs Bulletin #74: New Series
Date: Spring 2008
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction.
Few Thoughts on Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion" (BB#74, p.3-6)
BAR-ZOHARAS, YAEL: "Jane" actress in Israeli Tarzan
musical withYehuda Levi as "Tarzan" (BB76, p.20)
BARRETT, ROBERT R.: "Some Tarzan Artistic Tidbits"
(BB#76, p.8-10)
BLEDIG, JOAN M.: "From Baltimore Belle to Jungle-Savvy
Lady" (BB#76, p.21-29)
BRENT, EVE: 2 photos with Gordon Scott from Tarzan's
Fight for Life, 1958 (BB#74, p.13, 15)
BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN (artist): Illustration
for Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion" (BB#74, p.4)
BURROUGHS BIBLIOPHILES: Draft Minutes of Board of Directors
Meeting for August 4, 2007, compiled by J. G. Huckenpohler, secretary (BB#74,
CERULLI, MARK: "An Interview with Gordon Scott"
(BB#76, p. 11-15)
CERULLI, MARK: Photo of writer/producer who interviewed
Gordon Scott (BB#74, p.15)
DUNN, LAURENCE; Photo of Chairman of the Board,
Burroughs Bibliophiles, Inc. (BB#74, p.32)
GLANZMAN, SAM (artist): Pencil sketch for Tarzan
and "The Foreign Legion" inked by Thomas Yeates (BB#74, p.2)
GOLLUB, MORRIS (artist): Cover art of Tarzan fighting
shark for Dell Comics #56, May, 1954 (BB#74, p.6)
GOOD, EDMOND (artist): Tarzan daily strip #2414,
1947 (BB#74, p.10)
HOWELL, DOROTHY J.: Photo with J. G. Huckenpohler (BB#74,
HUCKENPOHLER, J. G.: Draft Minutes, Board of Directors
Meeting, Burroughs Bibliophiles, Inc., 2007 (BB#74, p. 30-33)
HUCKENPOHLER, J.G.: Photo with fellow board member
Dorothy J. Howell (BB#74, p.33)
JANZEN, CHANTAL: Actress playing "Jane" in Disney's
Tarzan musical in The Netherlands; film still with Ron Lind as Tarzan
(BB#74, p.28)
KURIN THE CAVEMAN: Playbill for musical based on
Tarzan, starring Eric Schumacher and written by Megan Patno. See:
"Rumble in the Jungle: A Tucson Tale" by Frank Puncer (BB#74, p.19)
LEVI, YEHUDA: Tarzan actor in Israeli Tarzan musical:
photo with Yael Bar-Zoharas as "Jane" (BB#74, p.20)
LESSER, SOL: Photo with Gordon Scott, 1957 (BB#74,
LINK, RON: Tarzan actor in Disney's Tarzan in The
Netherlands (BB#74, p.28)
McCONNELL, J.E. (artist): Cover art for Pinnacle Books
edition of Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion" (BB#74, p.5)
MORTELMANS, ED (artist): Cover for foursquare edition
of Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion" (BB#74, p.3)
PUNCER, FRANK: "Rumble in the Jungle: A Tucson Tale"
a review with cast photos (BB#74, p.16-20)
SCOTT, GORDON: "An Interview with Gordon Scott"
by Masrk Cerulli (BB#74, p.11-15)
SCOTT, GORDON: Film still from Tarzan's Hidden
Jungle, 1955 (BB#74, p.11)
SCOTT, GORDON: Publicity photo with producer Sol
Lesser, 1957 (BB#74, p.12)
SCOTT, GORDON: Film still with Eve Brent for Tarzan's
Fight for Life, 1958 (BB#74, p.13)
SCOTT, GORDON: Photo with Steve Reeves for Duel
of the Titans, 1962 (BB#74, p.14)
SCOTT, GORDON: Film still of Tarzan fighting 200-pound
cobra (BB#74, p.15)
ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): Four illustrations from
Tarzan the Terrible and Tarzan's Quest (BB#74, p.21-29)
TARZAN AND 'THE FOREIGN LEGION': Foursquare edition,
196, with cover art by Ed Mortelmans (BB#74, p.3)
ad (BB#74, p.5)
John Coleman Buroughs (BB#74, p.34)
New English Library edition by unidentified artist (BB#74, p.34)
TARZAN IN ISRAEL: Musical comedy starring Yehuda
Levi as Tarzan and Yael Bar-Zoharas as Jane (BB#74, p.20)
and Ron Link as Tarzan in first international production of Disney's Tarzan,
2007 (BB#76, p.28)
VALLELY, HENRY E. (artist): Photo of artist with samples
of his work for Dell Tarzan #5, 1938 (BB#74, p.10)
WILLIAMSON, AL (asrtist): Pencil sketch for Tarzan Sunday
page #926, Dec,5m 1948 (BB#74, p.10)
YEATES, THOMAS (artist): Drawing for Tarzan and
"The Foreign Legion" from pencil sketch by Sam Glanzman (BB#74, p.7)
Burroughs Bulletin #75: New Series
Date: Summer 2008
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction
Marcia! Marcia! Marcia! by David Adams
Marcus Aurelius: photo of bust
Porges excerpt
Dameron double-page illo from
the Donald Grand edition
F. Scott Fitzgerald and "The
Great Gatsby" cover photo
Manfred of the Jungle: Tarzan as Byronic Hero by Stan
Lord Byron portrait
A Danton Burroughs Remembrance by Frank Puncer with photo
"Tarzan and the Devil Ogre" unpublished art by John Coleman
Burroughs (1946)
The Whitman/Dell Tarzan and Jesse Marsh by Robert R.
Photos of Jesse Marsh and Robert
P. Thompson (scriptwriter)
Two unpublished pages of JCB
art for "Tarzan and the Devil Ogre" Dell Comic
Two photos of Gaylord Mellvianne
Dubois (1936 & 1980s)
Splash page for "Tarzan and
the Devil Ogre" art by Jesse Marsh
Burroughs in Chile by Carlos Abraham - Translated by
J.G. Huckenpohler
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius with two
"Marcia" illos
ERBracketology by Patrick M. Premo
Five small sketches and two
cover illos (TA All-Story & LTF Amazing)
Two flowchart illos
Danton Burroughs Memorial ~ Tarzana, May 17, 2008 with
two Zeuschner photos
Photo: Jim Sullos, President
of ERB, Inc.
Photo: Bill Hillman, Founder
of ERBzine Web site
Letters: Stan Galloway, Cele Porges, Gabe Essoe, Texas
Bob Reinhardt,
Bob Horvath, Robert R. Barrett,
Kevin Neidigh, Mickey Burwell
Photo of Danton Burroughs with
the Burwells
Burroughs Bulletin #76: New Series
Date: Fall 2008
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction
You Lucky Girl! Glossary
of Words, Phrases and Names by Eddie Gilbert
Sarah Bernhardt, Ethel Barrymore, Harold Lloyd, MGM Lion
3 photo scenes
from original production plus playbill cover
2 newspaper
article clippings and Palmhouse ticket
Theories on the Hollow Earth
in Literature and Science by Appleyard Minyard
of Hollow Earth book by David Standish
of John Cleves Symmes' globe
Map of
interior world from 1820 edition of Symzonia
David Stanish's biblio of hollow earth novels: 1880-1915
to Centre of the Earth (1874) by Jules Verne
the Earth's Core by ERB, 1927 Czech edition: art by Vaclav Cutta
Map: Interior
World from Goddess of Avatabar (1892) by William R. Bradshaw
2 illos
from Etidorhpa by John Uri Lloyd (1985)
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Classics Illustrated 1957: art by Nodel
Amazing Stories: "I Remember Lemuria" by Richard S. Shaver
Illo from
Amazing June 1945 by Virgil Finlay ~ "The Shaver Mystery" by Shaver
Film poster:
Journey to the Center of the Earth with Brendan Fraser (2008)
How to Walk with a Dinosaur
Kim L. Neidigh
art by Roy G. Krenkel
Picture Gallery: Art by
Mike Cody: Tarzan battles bolgani
H. Rider Haggard: Tales of Mystery
and Imagination by Sterling W. Schallert
sketch of Sir Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925)
Lancer paperback cover of She
and Allan (1921) by Maurice Greiffenhagen, Cleopatra (1888):
by R. Caton Woodville, Lysbeth by G.P. Jacomb Hood (1901)
2 Virgil
Finlay Illos: Famous Fantastic Mysteries
Allan and the Ice-Gods (April 1947) & Morning Star (Feb
by HRH list with 3 paperback covers
Tarzan's Women: The One-Sided
Love of Teeka and La by Heidi J. Yoder
Art: Tarzan
and Teeka by Burne Hogarth & La by J. Allen St. John
Hollywood and Vines by Denny
3 Denny
Miller photos, Cartoon, Charles Adams ad
Draft Minutes of the BB
Board of Directors Meeting 2008 by JG Huckenpohler
Bibliographer's Corner by
Septimus Favonus: 2 Lucky Girl illos by Dameron
Letters: Barrett, Petitpas,
Studer, Neidigh, Crowder, Jonews, Rookes
Burroughs Bulletin #77: New Series
Date: Winter 2009
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter introduction
After Word to an Historical Fairy Tale by Robert R.
Barrett - missing religions
Kaluta French cover art, ERB
and camera in Pocatello, Kaluta photo,
Japanese Internment Monument
at Minidoka photo, Minidoka on map
Illustrations of the Canaveral Press Editions
by Gary A. Buckingham
Canaveral edition titles and
Illustrations by; Frazetta 1,
Krenkel 3, Crandall 3, Ivie 1, Burroughs 2, St. John 1
Sigaloff 1, Blaine 2, Williamson
Ich Tarzan, Du Jane! - Tarzan the Musical in Hamburg
by Bill Hillman - 8 pages
ERBzine reference Links ~ 11
photos: 6 stage shots, Neue Flora Theatre,
Hagenbeck Tierpark, Phil Colllins
2, Hillman and Sullos on red carpet,
Beatles and WWII monuments
Tarzan the Fearless - A Synopsis and Analysis
by Jerry L. Schneider
5 photos. 4 posters. cast,
production notes, reviews
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius -
2 Kaluta sketches
Letters: Richard Kyle, Devon Morf, Rick Miller,
Alex Vernon
Burroughs Bulletin
#78: New Series
Date: Spring 2009
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter
ADKINS, PATRICK H.: "The Diverse Art of Danny Frolich"
(BB#78, p. 10-11)
Tales Remembered" BB#78, p. 3-9)
" " "
" "
" : Photograph (BB#78, p. 5)
BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: 1934 photo (BB#78, p. 6)
" " :
1927 photos (BB#78, p. 25, 27)
CHAPMAN, MIKE: Photo of his new book "Achilles,
a Historical Novel of the Trojan War" (BB#78, p.36)
FROLICH, DANNY (artist): "The Diverse Art of Danny Frolich"
by Patrick H. Adkins (BB#78, p.10-11)
" "
: Art samples (BB#78, front cover, p.3, 7-11, 34)
GUIDRY, JOHN H.: "Forgotten Tales Remembered" by
Patrick H. Adkins & John H. Guidry (BB#78, p.3-9)
GUSTAVSON, L. R. (artist): Drawing for Tarzan &
the Champion" for Blue Book, April, 1940 (BB#78, p.28)
HANSON, ALAN: "Pondering the Pleasure of the Hunt"
(BB#78, p. 25-34)
HILL, ROGER: "Tarzan and the Lost Artist" the life
& works of Robert Stanley (BB#78, p.13-24)
NEIDIGH, KIM L.: "Three Martian Haiku" (BB#78,
p. 33)
STANLEY, ROBERT (artist): "Tarzan & the Lost
Empire" cover art for 1951 Dell paperback (BB#78, front cover)
STANLEY, ROBERT (artist): "Tarzan and the Lost
Artist" by Roger Hill (BB#78, p.13-24) including 18 samples of his art
(BB#78, p.13, 15, 17-24)
WOUK, JIRI (artist ): Black & white drawing
for Tarzan of the Apes, 1937 (BB#78, p. 26)
" " "
" " Beasts of Tarzan, 1937
(BB#78, p. 31)
YEATES, THOMAS (artist): "Kerchak Battles Tarzan"
pen & ink drawing (BB#78, p. 12)
Burroughs Bulletin
#79: New Series
Date: Summer 2009
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter
Tarzan, the Lost Adventure by Stanley Kozaczka - p.3-8
Dark Horse Ed. Art: Charles
Vess (1) ~ Thomas Yeates (2) ~ Arthur Suydam (1)
ERB's Lost Adventure: ERB's Manuscript Version
Compared with Lansdale's Completion by David A.
Adams - p.9-20
Accompanying art
by: Suydam ~ Yeates ~ Gary Gianni (2)
Accompanying photo
of Joe R. Lansdale
The Tarzan Image by Stan Galloway - p.21-23
Photo of Johnny
Robert Stanley Revisited by Robert R. Barrett
- p.24-29
Photo of Robert
Art: 10 covers
by Stanley
Lord of the Apes art by Harry Roland
An Interesting Correspondence from the Porges Papers
by ERB and Leo Baker - p.31-33
Bibliographer's Corner (Tarzan: The Lost Adventure)
by Septimus Favonius
Art: Suydam cover
~ Yeates
Letters: "Susan" ~ Al Bohl ~ Kim L. Neidigh ~
Frank Puncer ~ Bill Wormstedt
Robert Barrett ~
Elaine Casella ~ Christopher Paul Carey ~ Irving Jacobs
Photo: Weissmuller and O'Sullivan
Bulletin #80: New Series
Date: Fall 2009
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter
Telling All About "ERB Tells All" by Jerry L. Schneider
(editor) - p. 3
Lex Barker Remembered by His Sons by Chris and
Zan Barker with 16 photos ~ p. 4-9
Newton at the Earth's Core by James J. Stevens,
PhD ~ p. 10-14
with 2 photos, (Newton &
Halley), 1 diagram, 1 Pellucidar map
Pellucidar series Japanese art ~ 5 covers &
1 fp illos from Hayakawa, Tokyo
Martian Scene art by Frank Cho (1998)
1926 Interview with the Author of Tarzan by Glenn B. Gravatt -
p. 17-21 with 5 photos
Dayton 2009 Dum-Dum logo art by Abner
Rare Books in Limited Editions by George McWhorter
with 10 illos
Mahar - a poem by Kim L. Neidigh with St. AEC
illo - p. 24
The "Lost" Gordon Scott Spanish Comic Covers: My 20-Year
Quest by Rudy Sigmund
with 6 Spanish Gordon Scott
comic covers
Louis L'Amour and ERB by Bobbie M. Rucker with
6 illos ~ p. 28-31
of the Board of Directors Meeting - Burroughs Bibliophiles, Inc.
Bibliographer's Corner by Septimus Favonius (ERB
Tells All) with 3 illos
Letters: Kim Neidigh, Tom Rookes, Henry Franke
III, Thomas C. Wlaker,
Bill Weiss, Jim Armour,
Bill Ingram, Rick Miller, William C. Wagner
and the Masculine Narative - one para by Thomas F. Bertonneau
See ERBzine
2808 for the entire article with more to come by Bertonneau
Burroughs Bulletin #81:
New Series
Date: Winter 2010
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter
Philip Jose Farmer's Tarzan Alive by Win Scott Eckert
Photo: Farmer ~ Art: 4 book
Philip Jose Farmer and ERB: A Shared Mythography
by Christopher Paul Carey
Photos: 2 Farmer pics ~ Art:
10 covers
Philip Jose Farmer's ERB-Related Work: A Bibliography
by Henry G. Franke III
2 Farmer photos and 2 book covers
Philip Jose Farmer's Incarnations of Tarzan by
Henry G. Franke III
1 Farmer photo and 7 book cover
Picture Gallery: Boris Vallejo's original cover
art for The Mad King (Ace Books, 1979)
Burroughs and Himself: A Study of The Mad King
by Arthurus Rex of Pterodactyl Isle (a.k.a. David Arthur Adams)
Illustrations: 3 book
Some Thoughts on Tarzan and the Lost City by Kim
L. Neidigh
Film Poster: Tarzan and
the Lost City
Joe R. Lansdale on Tarzan: The Lost Adventure - The
Original Interview conducctedby Henry G. Franke III
2 photos of Lansdale
~ 2 book cover illos
Bibliographer's Corner (Tarzan Alive) by
Septimus Favonius
Art: Doubleday
1972 cover collage by Milton Glaser and Greystoke Crest on title page
Letters: Dennis Larson, Suzanne Henry Chase, Bart
Plantega, Jerry Fisher, Jack Bender, Kim Neidigh, Yuri Mironets.
Poster: The Asylum film poster for The Land That Time Forgot
Bulletin #82: New Series
Date: Spring 2010
Page Count: 40 pages
Editor's Preface: George McWhorter
Vernell Coriell: An Autobiography (Speech before the
Kansas City SF&F Society Sep 11, 1971
Illos: BB #1 cover | Coriell Circus
Act Poster
Coriell Photos: Dad & kids | as
Tarzan | with Frank Merrill | as paratrooper 1942 | with ERB, Barker &
Mike Pierce | McWhorter presents Lifetime Achievement Award
Vern Coriell and Me by Robert R. Barrett
Coriell Photos: Inscription to Bob
Hyde | with Frank & Holly Frazetta | with Hal Foster | with Weissmuller
Illos: Cover: Jewels of Opar art portfolio
by J. Allen St. John | Tarzan cartoon by Coriell
A Memory of Vernell Coriell by Cecil (Wally) Blackburn
Photo: Blackburn in garden
Vern Remembered by John (Carter) Tibbetts
Illo: House of Greystoke Guestbook
page with Frazetta & Frazetta, Jr. inscription 1967
Comrades to the Core by Frank Puncer
Photo: Juggling Coriell on Unicycle
dedicated to Bill Gilmour
Illo: Tarzan art on Xmas card from
Rita and Vern sent to BB members - to Bill Gilmour
Picture Gallery: Thark Warrior by William Stout,
To Be, or To Be Perceived? - The Philosophical
Questions in Thuvia, Maid of Mars by Maciej
Thuvia Cover Art: Michael Whelan (Ballantine
1979), P.J. Monahan (All-Story April 8, 1916), Zoltan & Gabor (Hungary
Motoichiro Takebe (Japan 1971), Manolo Prieto (Spain 1944), Zdenek Netopil
(Czechoslavakia, 1977)
Painting: George Berkeley by John
Smibert (1685-1753)
Walter Clinton Pettee: The First Vision of Tarzan
by Rober Hill
Cover Art by Pettee: All-Story:Tarzan
of the Apes - Oct 1912, Jan. 1912, Oct. 1911, May 1911, July 1911, April
1912 | | Scientific American Nov. 3, 1917
Misc. Illos: Baker's Cocoa ad 1926
| Fountain Pen Patent 1903 | Death Certificate Dec. 12, 1937 | Evergreen
Cemetery, Morristown, NJ | Kemper Chambers - Historian
Letter: Recognition of Editor George McWhorter's partial
retirement sent by BB Chairman, Laurence G. Dunn
Letters: Robert Barrett, Dan Fite, Kim Neidigh,
Denny Miller, Patrick Premo, Frank Cohen
Vern Coriell Circus Act Poster: "Gymnastics,
Juggling, Tumbling, Roly Boly" - Photo of Coriell with props
Forthcoming BB Issues:
BB#83: ERB Foreign Editions
BB#84: Authorized Pastiches
BB#85: Tribute to George McWhorter
" I find that a considerable part of
my work in writing fiction has nothing whatsoever to do with fiction. It
is based upon the belief that highly imaginative fiction, such as I write,
demands the retention of a youthful and elastic mind, to achieve which
one of my principal aims in life is to keep my body physically fit and
my mind responsive to a diversity of simple stimuli. " |